Effect of Repetition in Pronunciation Practice on Retrieval of Nonsense Words

Katsumi NAGAI (Kagawa University)

Abstract: A nonsense word retrieval test was conducted to examine the effectiveness of two common practices in language classrooms: repetition “with” a teacher and “after” a teacher. Participants were asked to memorize two lists of bisyllabic test words by reading the words aloud with and after the model presentation (repetition phase). Participants heard test words and were expected to reject the “new” test words as “words that were not repeated in the test phase”. The number of correct responses and participants’ levels of confidence were analysed, and both ANOVA and ROC (Receiver Operating Chracteristic) curve showed that repetition “with a teacher” significantly surpassed “after a teacher”. These results demonstrate the advantage of pronunciation practice simultaneously with a teacher. (Keywords: pronunciation practice, repetition, retrieval of words, Receiver Operating Characteristics curve)

外国語教育の教室において行われる発音練習には様々な形式があるが,教師のモデル発声の「後に」学習者がそれを繰り返す場合と,教師のモデル発音と「一緒に」学習者がそれを繰り返す場合が基本形である.本研究では2音節からなる無意味語を両形式で練習し,その後に練習していない無意味語を加えたリストを音声提示して再認成績を比較した.正答数についての分散分析では,実験参加者がモデル発音と「一緒に」発音練習を行うほうが,「後に」発音練習を行うよりも成績は良好であった.モデル発音の「後に」練習を行った場合,練習を行った無意味語を思い出す方が,発音練習をしていない語を指摘するよりも易しかった.さらに,信号検出理論による確信度の分析を行うと,モデル発音と「一緒に」発音練習を行う方が,効率的である傾向がやはり確認された. (キーワード:発音練習,反復,単語再認,ROC曲線(信号検出理論))

(c) Katsumi NAGAI 2011 : Jump to the top, Centre for Research and Educational Development in Higher Education, and Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, 760-8521 JAPAN