Course Information 2005-2006

Creative English (Katsumi NAGAI)

Course Organizer
Katsumi NAGAI
Class schedule
Monday, 8:40-10:10 (MultiMedia Room)
Creative English is designed to increase the student's confidence in using English to communicate. It aims to develop learners' competence in processing the type of technical information found in manuals, instructions, and newspapers so that they will approach the reading of technical material with confidence during the course of their occupational or vocational training.
Grades will be based on performance in class activities including timely completion of e-learning (20%), and examination scores(80%).
Lindsay White. 2003.
Engineering Workshop.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (ISBN 0-19-438827-1)
Syllabus in Japanese is available here (pdf). Answer key is also available here (pdf). Net Academy is open to all students.

Course schedule (MM教室は管理上,早く来ても開いていません)

Term 1

Week 1 Introduction to the course / What is engineering?
Week 2 The right person in the right job
Week 3 The starting point
Week 4 The course for you
Week 5 What is it made from?
Week 6 Bend it like...
Week 7 A picture is worth a thousand words
Week 8 Mid-term exam
Week 9 Getting away from it all
Week 10 The car's a star
Week 11 Made by hand
Week 12 Did you read the instructions?
Week 13 Safety first
Week 14 Are you sitting comfortably?
Week 15 Small is beautiful

Term 2 毎週の空き時間を利用して,ネットアカデミーをコツコツやること!

Week 16 Big is best
Week 17 Bright spark
Week 18 Servant or master?
Week 19 Gadgets
Week 20 Bridging the gap
Week 21 Bridge disaster
Week 22 Mid-term exam
Week 23 Ancient structures
Week 24 Do you understand?
Week 25 How do you say...?
Week 26 Where have I heard that name before?
Week 27 What's your number?
Week 28 It's all just numbers
Week 29 Your CV
Week 30 Please apply in writing

Week 1 : Introduction to the course / What is engineerng?


describe, agree on ... ...について意見をまとめる, heading, paragraph, look ... up, glossary 用語集, smaller stereo 「ミニコンポ」, practical, solution, theoretical, reasonable, reliable, not always work いつもうまくいくとは限らない(partial negation), method, evaluate, process, communicate, for three hours a day, think of... technique

Almost everything [we use in modern life] is....
ask somebody to do something
to produce ... (infinitive: the purpose of an action)
A new idea [that is expensive, dangerous, or doesn't always work] is not a good solution.


1.Reading 3 本文の第4段落を日本語にしなさい.
2.Writing and Speaking 7に挙げてある2つの例か,あるいは自分の目標を1つ設定し,その達成のための5つのステップを英語で示しなさい.

Week 2 : The right person the right job

先週はガイダンスと健康診断で時間が取れませんでしたので, 今週からじっくりと課題に取り組もう.まず模範解答から.

この問題の解決方法は毎日の生活に役立つ。例えば、 今回のテストを準備するためにあなたは五つの*階段を使える。
1.問題を定義する   :来週*のわたしはテスト*を合格したい。
2.解決方法を建てる  :一日3時間勉強する。
3.解決方法を確かめる :毎日3時間勉強してテストを受ける。
4.解決方法を評価する :テストをよい点数で合格したか、はい=いい解決方法、  いいえ=悪い解決方法、だから、もっといい解決方法を考える。 5.解決方法を伝達する :友達に自分のテストの合格作戦を教える。

1. 問題を解決するこの方法は日常生活にも役に立つ。 たとえば、あなたが次回試験勉強するとき、この5つの手段を使うことができる。
1. 問題を定義する:わたしは、来週試験に合格したい。
2. 解決計画をたてる:わたしは、一日3時間勉強する。
3. *解決を試してみる:一日3時間勉強し、試験を受ける。
4. 解決を査定する:私は試験でいい成績で合格したか?
5. 解決を伝達する:友達に、自分が試験に合格した技術を教える。
1. Define the problem: I want to go away for a weekend with my friends, but I don't want to make my parents angry.
2. Design a solution: I will finish my homework before weekend.
3. Test the solution: Study hard until weekend, show parents my homework and ask them for permission.
4. Evaluate the solution: Have I got a permission? Yes=a good solution, No= a bad solution, so I could not go anywhere on weekend.
5. Communicate the solution: Tell my friends about my solution.
>上は日本語が外国語である学生のものですが,どれも良くできています.ついでに言うと,「解決を試(ため)す」でなく,「解決を試(こころ)みる」と言います.脱出は試みますが,試せません.学力は試せますが,試みることはできません.「計算を」「モデルを使って」「うまくいくかどうか」はどうなる?何かルールが見えますか?try to do とtry doingはどう違うのでしたか?

1.私たちが近代の生活で使うほとんどすべての物はエンジニアによってつくられる。   例えばもし製造業者が速い車、小さいウォークマンまたはもっと*よくのペンが欲しければ、   かれらは、デザインエンジニア*から解決を頼む。
2.1. Define the problem: I want to buy a CD player.
2. Design a solution: I will do a part-time job everyday.
3. Test *a solution: Do part-time job after school for everyday.
4. evaluate the solution: Have I got enough money to buy a CD player?
Yes = a good solution. No = a bad solution,so think of another solution.
5. communicate the solution: Tell other friends about how hard I had worked to get the money for the CD player.

I *choosed: You want to go away for a weekend with your friends but your parents want you to study. I think we can use five steps.
1 Define the problem: I want to go out my home.
2 Design a solution: I will made my mother happy when I go out home.
3 Test the solution: Made my mother happy by helping her with the domestic chores.
4 Evaluate the solution: Have I study for a weekend? Yes=a bad solution, so think of a better one. No=a good solution.
5 Communicate the solution: Tell your friends about you go out home technique.(your going-out technique)

1 Get money from your family: 家族から金を貰いなさい。
2 Earn money: お金を稼ぎなさい。
You can get money to work: (? You can work to get money?) あなたは働くことでお金を得ることができる。
3 Borrow money from your friend: あなたの友人から金を借りなさい。 If your friend is gentle,You can borrow money. あなたの友達がやさしいならば、あなたは金を借りることができる。
4 Speaker connect to your Computer: コンピュータにスピーカーを繋ぎなさい。 CD Player device is anywhere. CDをプレイする機器はどこにでもある。
5 Be patient: 我慢しなさい。 Sometimes need to be patient. 時には忍耐も必要です。


in common, broadly, subject, cover, mining, aeronautical, generation, wiring, realistically

The one thing [they have in common] is [that they all use ... to improve xxx]
... can be divided into ...
There is a big difference between A and B.
It is difficult to study if....
may do the job until... (possibility)

高専の4学科から自分の学科を選んだのはなぜか.Before you startとReadingの 英文を参考にし,理由を英語で書きなさい.In my spare time, I prefer ... から書きはじめてみよう.

Week 3 : The starting point

先週の課題で,翻訳ソフトや翻訳サイトで片づけた解答がいくつかありました. 現在のソフトウェアが作る誤訳は一目で分かり, とても印象が悪いものだと覚悟してください. 逆に,文法のミスが多くても,書き手が一生懸命努力した文章は, 間違いだらけでも意味が分かり,暖かみのある心を打つ文章となります. メールより手書きの方がもらってうれしいでしょ? 以下の例は間違いが多いですが,書いてあることがよくわかるよい例です. なお,日本語訳を添える必要もありません.

The reason why I went into the machine department is because it liked a machine simply. And, it is because I wanted to learn how to design it. That reason is because it wants to make a car and an engine by itself. The person who has not only an educational background but also technology will be employed by an enterprise in the future age. I go into the machine department, and I have never repented! ! Because there is a company whom a machine department is happy. A teacher is unique again, too, and has many interesting people. But,I think that study is don't like very much. Because,I can't concentration for a long time. So,I work hard to concentration.

I chose mechanical engineerring by two reasons. First, In my spare time, I prefer watching some books of car. Because I like cars. Above all, I like sports car. I adore a sports car. It is RX-7. This car has a good shape is very stylish. I make of this kind car. So I applied for admission this school. Second, at first I will not come this school. But I found this school, when I was a junior high school. This school equipped with high technology. So, I chose mechanical engineerring.

In my spare time, I prefer something of machines repaired. I am happiest repairing the machines. My parents is a person who doesfarming on the side. So, farming machines in my home. I want to know structure of the farming machines. And it heared that I'm able to learn the many knowledges. So, I chooes of the mechanical engineering.

In my spare time, I prefer to sleep or playing game or whtching TV.There is happy time for me!!! The next I prefer to fumble a machine too. It is very enjoyable that be unaware of the passage of time. So I choose a course in mechanical engineering. There are incomparable eason. Do you know a「TERMINATOR」named movie? This muvie appear a robot. I very like a robot!!! I think that make a robot. But I was not understand on robot. So I choose a course in mechanical engineering. A course in mechanical engineering is a very good time!!! This environment reached the future for me!!!

In my spare time, I prefer mechanical engineering(? you don't like mechanical engineering when you do'nt have time?). Why I choose (*did I choose) mechanical engineering? Firstly, it is because mechanical engineering is one of the broadest fields of engineering. The (?Two) most important subjects in mechanical engineering are Maths and Science, and I like these two subjects very much. Secondly, I will be happiest working in a factory although it (can) make(s) me dirty. I (also) will have (an) opportunity to create and improve things that will result in an improved standard of living for (the) people (in) throughout the world by studying mechanical engineering. That's (These are) why I want to learn mechanical engineering.

I prefer mechanical engineering to electrical engineering. Because I am not goot at design machanical. And I do not like a car. But I like a semiconductor. When I was a junior high school students,I interested a semiconductor . I will be useful for everyone. Because all people needs electrical. So,I choose electrical engineering. I like a word;Boys, be ambitious.

I'm interested in an electric circuit. Because electric circuit is wonder. I want to know structure. I want to widen my knowledge. Knowledge is power. And It is surely no exaggeration to say that this is the age of electricity.(Why can you say this? Explain!) so I choose electrical engineering.

In my spare time, I prefer being with other people and being outside. I like playing sport, spending time with my friends. But, I (guess I?) look different when I am at school. I am interested in mathematics very much. I like to solve mathematics problem, sometimes it takes me all day. I am interested in computer too. I think, computer is deeply related with (or to) mathematics. I spend a couple of hours with computer everyday. I like programming, and searching information(s) on (the) Internet. That (This) is why I choose information engineering.


Diploma (cf. Degree), specialisze in ..., qualification, at least, GCSE 英国の統一試験,skills in ..., manufacturing, maintenance, material, measurement, full-time, project, mark, term, apprentice, alternatively


津山高専の自分の学科について,Writing 5の1-6の問に英語で答えなさい.


1. cardinal 2. ordinal 3. even, odd, integer 4. thousand, million 5. hundreds of, thousands of, millions of 6. decimals 7. point 8. fractions, one third, two thirds 9. three-figure number, the hundreds place, decimal, binary, hexadecimal 10. positive, negative, absolute, positve, minus, negative 11. natural, whole, factors, multiples, prime, prime, function, variable, coefficient, constant 12. round, to, nearest 13. add, to, add, sum 14. subtract, from 15. multiply, by, times, multiplied, by 16. divide, by, remainder 17. ratio, to 18. square, cube 19. to, to, to, base, logarithm 20. capital, upper, sub, to, parenthesis, bracket

Week 4 : The course for you

1.All over the warld peple. 2.You have not capacity. 3.You get love a feeling. 4.You listen to a teacher talk. 5.You protect teaching an attitude. 6.I give a dream and bravery for you. (Too simple. Write more.)

1. *The mechanical (Mechanical) engineering is for those who want to be *an engineer(s) *which(who) *is specialize*s in the design, production, and use of machinery and tools. 2. *The q(Q)ualification that you need is you must at least graduate from high school and *had learn *for math and science subjects (learn math and science). 3. In mechanical engineering, you will learn about engineering material, engineering measurement, designing and others. 4. You will study in the class(room) for the subject(s) such as math and english.But for the practical (subjects) you will do it in the workshop. 5. There are tests for every semester.You will be assessed *from(by) the examination and the project that you must *done(do). 6. To finish the course, you must pass (*for) all the subject(s) in your examination. (Good work!)

1. Who is the course for? Tsuyama college aims at training every student as a practical, energetic, and socially-adjusted engineer for five years. You will learn about the different types of engineering; and specialize in engineering. 2. What qualifications do I need? You must be at least fifteen years old with an interest in Engineering. You must have a junior high school diploma. 3. What will I learn on the college? You will learn: - professional skills in manufacturing, designing and developing creative devices - Key skills in Information Technology. 4. How will I learn? This college is full-time for five years. You will spend some time in the classroom but most of your time will be spent doing experiments in the laboratory, or on computer screen. 5. How will I be assessed? Each grade is marked continuous assessment and there are tests at the end of each term. 6. What can I do when I finish the college? After graduation, you *cannot only find employments with ease, but also can enter universities as transfer students. You also have a way of proceeding to our advanced program course and continue studying for another two years at this college. (Nearly perfect job!. Be careful when you use negative form of can.)

1.It is an electronics and computer-engineering course for students with an interest in PC and program. You will learn about *the difficult mathematics and PC. 2.You must be at least sixteen years old and completed the junior high school. 3.You will learn electronics, computer engineering, about graphics and mathematics. 4.The course study 8hours *of day for a year. You will study *of your own free will. 5.Teachers differ with a valuation basis.(haha) 6.You can *find work big company. Your life (will be a successful one)succeeds! (Yep.) 1 Who is the course for? - It is foundation course for students with a general interest in Electronics and Computer. You do not specialize in one area because you will learn about IT, some types of engineering. 2 What qualifications do I need? - You must be at least sixteen years old with an interest in IT or Engineering. You are willing for learning of IT or Engineering. 3 What will I learn on the course? - You will learn: about programming, computer graphics, electrical engineering, digital communications and so on. 4 How will I learn? - The course is full-time for five years. You will spend many time in the classroom but some of your time will be spent doing practical tasks in the workshop, or on computer screen. 5 How will I be assessed? - There are some way of assesses on each subject. In most cases, teacher will assess us from our tests or homeworks. 6 What can I do when I finish the course? - You can find work easily. You will be more interested in IT or Engineering before. Certainly, you will be able to be perfect worker!

1.Who is the First Diploma for? →It is a foundation course for students with a information technology interest in Engineering. You will learn about the plural types of engineering. 2.What qualifications do I need? →You must be at least fifteen years old with an interest in information technology and Electricity and womenfolk. You need at least to friendship with a woman for twelve’s Year. And, You must be at least SUKEN be three classes. 3.What will I learn on the course? →You will learn: practical skills in information technology and an electronic Device. About engineering materials, Programming, for example, C and C++ and Java. And, Important skills are the whole electricity. If you don't understand it, you will walk the Worst life. So, you must choice the course. 4.How will I learn? →The course is full-time for four year. Next level, if you want makes a specialty of Information technology and electricity, you will go on to a non-degree course for Graduates. It is full-time for two year. 5.How will I be assessed? →You can found very good company, and you will can pass more than a difficult college. When you graduate from Tsunami College of technology, you will know expert knowledge of Information technology and electricity.


a welder on oil rigs 油田掘削装置の溶接工, applicant, interview, fabrication (規格化された製造), welding, machining 機械加工, fitting 接合,departmental secretary


1. 音声を聞いて,数式を書きなさい.
2. まず,本文をよく読んでこの大学の4つのコース(レベル1のコース, レベル2の電気電子コース,レベル2の製造コース, レベル2の機械コース)の特徴を把握しなさい. 次に,Reading 3のA-Eの人はどのコースを学ぶべきか. アドバイスをするつもりで,理由を添えて英語で答えなさい.

1. a+b=c, 2. a/g=x, 3. y=a+b/c (あるいは(a+b)/c), 4. x+2=A/a-d, 5. 1/a+1/c=m
2. Aさんは Level 2 Fabrication, Bさんには適当なコース無し, CさんとDさんは Level 1, Eさんは Level 2 Electrical の各コース. 教科書本文の英文から使えそうな表現を抜き出して語句を入れ替える,あるいは, 英和辞典で目的の語句を探し,その語句を次に英和辞典か英語辞典で引き, 使えそうな表現を利用する,というプロセスを踏みましたか?

Week 5 : What is it made from?

MM室や基礎・応用情報教室では,ログイン名とパスワードを 入れるだけで利用できます.卒研室等のパソコンから利用する場合には インストールマニュアルを読み,利用できるようにしておいてください. その他, FAQも参照してください.



Week 6 : Bend it like...


  材料       性質               用途
1.アルミニウム  、軽い、加工しやすい       、航空機.窓とドアのフレーム.料理に使うホイル
2.黄銅      、空気と水によるさびを防ぐ、丈夫 、バルブ.管
3.セメント    、水を混合するとかたい材料になる 、建築用ブロック.れんが保つために使う 
4.銅       、簡単にワイヤーの中に作れる.電流をよく持つ、電気のワイヤー.配管
5.ダイヤモンド  、自然でもっとも硬い材料.グラスと金属を切ることができる、切りとひくの産業に使う
6.ガラス     、透明.硬い.割りやすい      、窓. 瓶
7.鉄       、硬い
8.軟鋼      、硬い.丈夫.加工しやすい
9.光ファイバー  、光を*持って(運び)メッセージをコードする
10. プラスチック 、軽い.丈夫.加工しやすい

41. ductile, 42. malleable, 43. soluble, 44. opaque, opaque, 45. transparent, transparent, 46. conductor, 47. insulator, 48. conductor, insulator, 49. melts, 50. liquid, freezes(solidifies)


1. アルミと銅の性質を英語で説明しなさい.
2. Reading 2 の Smart Materialに出てきた材料を一つ取り上げ,その面白い利用法を英語で書きなさい.

Week 7 : A picture is worth a thousand words


1. 音声を聞き,1-5の英文をを書きとりなさい. 前回のハンドアウトを参照のこと.
substance, nought ゼロ,centigrade = celsius
2. コンピュータを用いた製図の短所(disadvantages)を英語で書きなさい.
by hand, i.e., equipment, diagram, provide, keep an electronic library of stanrdard parts 標準的な部品を電子的に保存できる, symmetrical, component, accurate, consisitent, advantage, such as, experiment with different arrangements of ... ... のアレンジを変えてみる

Week 8 : Mid-term exam

中間試験は試験期間中にHR教室で行います. 50問の4肢選択客観形式(マークシート)で,Week 7までを範囲とします. 試験範囲を間違えないように!

Week 9 : Getting away from it all

1. At normal temperatures iron is a solid. However, when it is heated about one thousand five hundred and thirty seven degrees centigrade, it melts.
2. Water is a liquid at normal temperatures. However, when it is cooled below naught degrees centigrade, it freezes.
3. When water is heated to one hundred degrees centigrade, it boils.
4. When a substance change is from a solid to a liquid, it is said to liquefy.
5. When a substance change is from a liquid to a solid, it is said to solidify.
6. When a substance change is from a liquid to a gas, it is said to vaporize.


9頁の A factory tour を読み,Reading 4 の5つの問に英語で答えなさい. 「創造」的な内容を目指すこと!

purpose, show you ... あなた方に...をお見せする, As I expect you all know おそらくみなさんごぞんじのように(as ... ... のように, expect you all ... あなた方全員に...を期待する), remind you ..., , so ... ... するために, lathe, that is what you'll see それが今日ご覧いただくものです.error (cf. mistake), adjust, identical (cf. same)

Week 10 : The car's a star


10頁の The mini story を読み,Vocabulary 5 の5つの問に英語で答えなさい. 「創造」的な内容を目指すこと!

environment, assembly, ergonomically (ergonomic), comfortable, turn through 90 degrees 90度回転する,replace, own, is being manufactured 製造されつつある,approximately, change ... into xxx, state-of-the-art, as ... as xxx, more ... than xxx.

Week 11 : Made by hand

1.The first Mini was made *int(in) 1959.
2.*Sine(Since) the newest model is being manufactured at an advanced production system in Oxford, the Mini factory in oxford *(is) special.
3.*There are 100,000 Minis that are made each year. ( 100,000xxx are made each year.)
4.There are 2,500 employees working at the Mini factory.
5.Because the car assembly line is designed ergonomically to be easy to use and comfortable for the operators.

本文穴埋めは 1. unique, 2. skills, 3. highly-skilled, 4. traditional, 5. craftsmen


1.11頁の A handmade car を読み,Speaking 5 の問に英語で答えなさい.
2. Speaking 6 の二つの問(minimorganのどちらを買いたいか,どちらの会社で働きたいか) に英語で答えなさい.

individually (individual), up-to-date, combine, skilled, craftsmen, upholsterer 内装職人,in contrast to xxx, precision 精密な,so a Morgan driver has a state-of-the-art engine in a traditional car モーガンを運転する人が最新技術のエンジンを 伝統ある車に搭載するように(soは目的を示す),It takes xxx to ..., wait for xxx to ... xxx が...するのを待つ, parents-to-be 子供が生まれるのを待つ親,to see their car being made 自分たちの車が作られるのを見ることが出来る

Week 12 : Did yo uread the instructions?

1. Morgan is a handmade car and it takes a long time to make a car by hand. That is why it takes longer to make a Morgan than a Mini.
2. I rather own the Morgan because I prefer the design of Morgan than *(that of) the Mini. I also choose Morgan because it is a unique car which *is made by hand and not many people own these car*s compared to Mini.
3. I will work in the Mini factory rather than Morgan factory. The Mini is made by machines but the Morgan is made by hand. I love to work with machines.That is why I prefer to work in Mini factory than Morgan factory.

今週は説明書の英語に慣れよう.命令文を並べて簡潔に, 分かりやすく書いてあることに注目してください.

試験範囲の Writing 9 の本文穴埋めは
1. plug, 2. cable, 3. aerial, 4. TV, 5. socket, 6. mains (=wall sockets, electrical outlets イギリスではメインズ,アメリカではアウトレットです)


パソコンにハードドライブを増設したい. このページを読み,Step 1-6を簡潔な日本語で箇条書きにまとめてメモ書きを作成しなさい. アンケートは Close を押して消すこと.リンクは使えないので, 下の方を読むにはページを下にスクロールすること.

Week 13 : Safety first

Step-by-step instructions on how to install a second hard drive 2つ目のハードディスクをインストールする方法をステップごとに説明します。
step 1: Opening the case ケースを開ける 警告:パネルのふちで皮膚を切らないようにすること。    皮膚をパネルのふちで滑らさないように注意すること。 注意:この製品含まれているものには静電気に弱いものがあります。    静電気が発生する機会を減らし、じゅうたんのない部屋で作業をし、静電気を防止するストラップのようなものを使うこと
Step 2: Disconnecting the cables ケーブルを抜く
Step 3: Removing the drive cage ドライブの枠を取る 注意:プラスチックのカバーがついているメモリーカードリーダーとパネルとコードを取り外すこと。
Step 4: Removing the drive ドライブを取る
Step 5: Installing a new drive 新しいドライブをインストールする
Step 6: Replacing the cover(s) カバーをかぶせる
Step 7: Configure the new hard drive 新しいハードディスクの設定を行う。


教科書の裏表紙の裏のページにa-kの図がある. それらの意味を考え,英語の警告を付けなさい. 「創造」英語ですから,見た人をニッコリさせる英語を考えてみよう. なお,この課には色つき本文があリませんので,試験には出ません.

Week 14 : Are you sitting comfortably?

(a) Don't touch these chemicals. [If you touch them , your hands will be melted.]
(b) Be careful here . You must take care of yourself .
(c) Be careful about fire .
(d) Put on a headphone . [This place is very noisy .]
(e) Be careful about industrial vehicles . [Don't keep away from these vehicles .]
(f) You must put on a helmet . [If you stand here , something will fall off .]
(g) Don't walk around here .
(h) Put your glasses on .
(i) Don't smoke here. Be careful about fire .
(j) These chemicals are very harmful . [They can kill you .]
(k) Watch out for an explosive . [They will explosive .]


Speaking 5 の3つの作業から一つを選び,健康上気をつけるべきことを 英語で書きなさい.

repetitive strain injury (RSI, 反復性運動の過多による損傷), at the most risk 最も危険が高い,involve, symptom, burning ヒリヒリ,difficulty in xxxing, cure, avoid, prevent, stretch, risk, eye level 目の高さ, with xxx ... xxxを...して,keep xxx ... xxxを...に保つ, degrees, parallel to xxx, adjust(able)

Week 15 : Small is beautiful

Electromagnetic waves can cause serious disease such as brain cancer. Therefore, any person who uses a mobile phone are*(is) at risk. Especially young people are at the most risk because they use mobile phone*(s) anytime. It is difficult to prevent damage from electromagnetic waves, but you can avoid it.
People at risk should: - Switch off the mobile phone while you are asleep. - Don't speak too long on the mobile phone. - Don't carry *the mobile phone with you when you go out. Put it in the bag.


optical, fibre=fiber, replace, copper, micrometre=micrometer, in diameter, efficiently, bandwidth 帯域幅,duct, harm, electromagnetic, interference (interfere), ignite, flammable, atmosphere, petrochemical, plants, per ... ...につき,transmission, pepeaters 中継器, splice, handle, equipment

Week 16 : Big is best

<some good points> 1.Optical fibres carry signals more efficiently than copper cable and with a much higher bandwidth. So fibres can carry more channels of information over longer distances. 2.Optical fibres are much lighter and thinner than copper cables with the same bandwidth. Because less space is needed in underground cabling ducts.
<some bad points> 1.Optical fibres can't be spliced as easily sa copper cable. Employees need special training to handle the expensive splicing and measurement equipment. 2.Optical fibres are more expensive per metre than copper.

本文を読んで,Reading 3の9つの問いに英語で答えなさい. 相手が目の前にいるつもりで,丁寧な答えを書くこと.

opposite, in the middle, boring (bore), dig, seabed, enormous

Week 17 : (16) Bright spark

1. Where is it? It lies between Britain and France.
2. What is it? It is a rail tunnel.
3. How long is it? It is more than 20 kilometres long.
4. Who built it? It was built by British and French engineers.
5. How did they build it? They used specially-designed tunnel boring machines to dig the tunnels.
6. What are TBMs? TBMs are enormous machines for digging tunnels.
7. How big are TBMs? TBMs are about 8.5 metres in diameter and 200 metres long.
8. How long did it take to build? It took about seven years to build.
9. It opened in 1994.

a wound(wind) up spring 巻かれたゼンマイ,generator, add, convert, solar, environmentally-freindly (environment), award, (un)reliable, generation

ぜんまい仕掛けラジオの中身はこうなっているらしいです. 読んでみよう.

ソニーの初代ウォークマンについて,Writing 6のように
Before 1979, the only way to listen to music outside was

Week 18 : (17) Servant or master?

<17週の解答例> Before 1979 the only way to listen to music outside was a walkman. (Really? Walkman went on a market sale in 1979!) Sony employees in Japan had a clever idea.(*Put two spaces between sentences.)They designed and developed a MD player. MD player is *a mini disk player.It is light and smaller than walkman.We doesn't need to buy *a new batterries if the batteries are dead because the batteries for MD player can be charge*d easily.We also can listen to the music that we like because we only have to save the songs that we like into a small disk which called mini disk.This technology is now used widely by many people especially *by the young folks.

Reading の本文を読み, 4に答えて5の穴埋めをしなさい.次に,危険な, あるいは退屈な仕事をするロボットをデザインし,英語で表しなさい. 第1段落は What the robot is for (例えば My robot is to do xxx.) , 第2段落は How it works (例えば The sensor xxx ooo, )を表すように 構成し,できるだけ読んだ人が笑えるようなものにしてみよう.

literature, Czech, playwright, boring (bore), routine, device, react, environment, instruction, star in ... ...で主役をつとめる カペックさんの舞台写真もみてみよう.

Week 19 : (18) Gadgets

Reading 4: 1 b, 2 b
Reading 5: bfeacdg

gadget を英和辞典と英英辞典の両方で引いてみよう. 英英辞典の... trivial device: a small object or device that appears useful but is often unnecessary or superfluous のニュアンスが大切です.
AからDのガジェットは,どのくらい役立つと思うか? 1 (most useful), 2 (useful), 3 (less useful), 4 (least useful)の グレードを付し,その理由を英語で述べなさい.

added (add), benefit, LCD (liquid crystal display), temperature, C (celsius), F (fahrenheit), in addition, calculator, AA (double A) batteries 単三電池 (cf. AAA/D), not supplied 別売,vinyl, massage, bend, suction, lie flat, contain, prism, deflect, vision, by xx degrees

Week 20 : (19) Bridgint the gap


Reading 2の答えを選び,本文にVocabulary 3から適切な語句を選びなさい. さらに,Reading 4に答え,最後に,Reading 5の寸法でこの橋について 英語で記述しなさい. xxx is ...m high. / The height of xxx is ...m. 等を利用しよう.

aeroplane=airplane, allow xxx through xxxを通す,lorries (lorry) トラック, vehicle=car

Week 21 : (20) Bridge disaster

Reading 2: 1-a, 2-a
Vocabulary 3: 1 fixed, 2 designed, 3 engineers, 4 built, 5 Computer, 6. perfect, 7 vehicles, 8 parachute, 9 aeroplane, 10 pilot
Reading 4: F F T T F


Reading 4のa-eの図に当てはまる英文を1-5から選び,日本語にしなさい.

enquiry=inquiry, conclusion, construction, contract, based on, scientific, accurate, calculation, detailed, structural, analysis, confirm, definetely, substandard

Week 22 : Mid-term exam

中間試験を試験期間中に行います.場所はHR教室です. 50問の空所補充選択形式(マークシート)で,Unit 15から20まで( Unitであって,Weekやpageではありません!)が範囲です.

Week 23 : (21) Ancient structures




Reading 2, 3, 4, 5 の全てに答えなさい.次に,本文の表現を利用して Writing 6 を完成しなさい.

population 住民(統計では「母数」),defensive (defend), enormous, forced laboureres 強制労働 labour=labor, covered with..., ancient, structure, tombs, pharaoh エジプトの王, square, base, sloping, meet at an apex 頂点で合う,weigh, estimate,

Week 24 : (22) Do you understand?


Reading 2: B
Reading 3: 1. It is (in) northern China.
            2. It is the great wall.
             3. It was built (before) the third century BC.
             4. It's made of earth covered with stone.
             5. The work was done by enormous gangs of forced labourers .
             6. The wall is over 2000km long, 3.5m high, and 4.5m wide at the top.
             1. It's (in) Egypt.
             2. It's (a) famous symbol.
             3. The first pyramid was built in about 2600 BC.
             4. One of the biggest pyramid is made of enormous stone blocks .
             5. It is estimated that 20-25,000 people.
             6. It's over 140m high.
Reading 4: 1.T
Vocabulary 5:  1 .tomb
              2. apex
              3. defensive
              4 . laborourers.
              5. population.
Writing 6: The Hadrian's Wall was built between England and Scotland . This *built (was built) in 122-6 AD. This is a defensive wall . It is made of earth and stone .  The wall is 117km long, 6.5m high, (and) 3m wide .This wall *built (was bult) by soldiers.                      


so ... ...するように, diagonal, fold, horizontal, vertical, edge, point

Week 25 : (23) How do you say...?

1. Make a vertical fold down the centre and open it out.
2. Fold both of edges to the centre line.
3. Fold all the conners to the centre line to form four diagonal lines.
4. Fold four diagonal lines to the vertical centre line again.
5. Fold the top nose and the bottom nose (the big nose) to the backside.
6. Open the inner side out, turn over, and make a volume.

Vocabulary 4 の語を本文に入れ,日本語にしなさい. 次に, 寸法の表し方の例を聞いて

この cardboard box の寸法を英語で書きなさい.

Week 26 : (24) Where have I heard that name before?

Reading 3 の本文に Reading 2 の単位とReading 3の人名を入れ, 日本語にしなさい.

unit, pressure, equal to ... , per, name after ..., mathematician (mathematics), force, temperature, scale, freezing point, boiling point, develop, astronomer, joule, inventor (invent), electric current, physicist (physics), electrodynamics, resistance, absolute, frequency, cycle, radioactivity element

Week 27 : (25) What's your number?

北欧に本当にある アイスホテルについて読み, 本文の空所を Reading 4の語句で埋めなさい.

igloo 雪で作る丸天井の家

Week 29 で,自分の履歴書を英語で作成します.今週は30ページの語句を 全て辞書で調べ,わからない単語がないようにしなさい.

Week 28 : (26) It'll all just numbers

津山市の人口統計を利用して線グラフを作り, それについて英語でコメントをつけて提出しなさい. エクセルのグラフを独立したワークシートに作成し, それに「挿入」-「図」-「オートシェイプ」でコメントを貼り付けること. 提出はエクセルのファイルとする. solid/broken/dotted/dotted-dash linesを用い,xxx indicates/shows/represents yyy. や zzz rises/falls/increases/decreases gradually/sharply/suddenly 等を利用してみよう.

Week 29 で,自分の履歴書を英語で作成します.今週は31ページのWriting 7を 自分のことで埋めなさい.住所や生年月日などの個人情報はわざとウソを書くこと.

Week 29 : (27) Your CV

自分のCVを作り,そのファイルを提出しなさい. フォントの種類,サイズ,行間,印字範囲等を 美しく 整えること


Week 30 : (28) Please apply in writing

米国のカレッジに応募するため,履歴書を出したい. カバーレターを美しく 作り,先週の履歴書とともに印刷して提出しなさい.

(c) Katsumi NAGAI 2005 : Jump to Top / Tsuyama National College of Technology