Course Information 2000-2001

Advanced English (Optional)

Technical Writing in English

Katsumi NAGAI
Class schedule
Tue 10:30-12:00 (Multi-Media Room)
2 / year
This optional course will focus on technical writing and communication in English. The aim is to help students express their thoughts in natural and effective ways.
All students must hand in their English writing every week. Full weight is given to clarity and precision of the writings. Students are also required to pass two multiple-choice exams in both terms.
English Technical Writing One Step.
Japan Society for Technical Communication. 1996. Tokyo: JSTC.

Handout archives (follow-up notes)

Week 1 Introduction to the course (April 18)
Week 2 Machine tools (April 25)
Week 3 What is electricity? (May 2)
Week 4 Wanna be an architect. (May 9)
Week 5 Origin of Chemistry (May 16)
Week 6 Environmental Engineering (May 23)
Week 7 Computer Engineering (May 30)
Week 8 To be an engineer (June 6)
Week 9 Working for a Company connected with the Electoric Engineering (June 20)
Week 10 AWK programming (June 27)
Week 11 Ancient Japanese Architecture (July 4)
Week 12 Chemical and Mechanical Engineering (July 11)
Week 13 Irrigation System (September 5)
Week 14 Digital and Analog (September 12)
Week 15 Term Exam (September 19)
Week 16 Try Multimedia (October 3)
Week 17 Factory Tour (October 10)
Week 18 Jobs at an electrical appliance maker (October 17)
Week 19 Being artistic (October 24)
Week 20 What is biochemics? (October 31)
Week 21 Translation of Technical English 1 (November 7)
Week 22 Translation of Technical English 2 (November 14)
Week 23 What is TOEIC? (November 28)
Week 24 Mechanical Engineering (December 12)
Week 25 Electric and Electronic Engineering (December 19)
Week 26 Agricultural Chemicals (January 16)
Week 27 Describing shapes (January 23)
Week 28 Term Exam (January 30)
Week 29 For further study (February 6)

Week 1 : Introduction to the course

Week 2 : Machine tools

from your self introductions (sic...)

from Situational Conversation 1

from "The Nature of Magnets"

CHALLENGE 1 (いろいろな書き方で書いてみよう.)

Week 3 : What is electricity?

from your CHALLENGE 1


Week 4: Wanna be an architect.


from your CHALLENGE 2 (sic.)




  Susitikim shi vakara kavos puodukui
  Mothers Day Order Confirmation
  Important ! Read carefully !!
  Very Funny.




Week 5: Origin of Chemistry

from your CHALLENGE 3 (sic.)


Week 6: Chapter 5. Environmental Engineering

  1. 消しゴムのかすなど、マウスの操作の障害になるようなゴミを、机の上に残さないようにすること。
  2. キー・ボードは使用後、元の位置に正しく戻すこと。
  3. 床の上にゴミを捨てない、また見つけた場合には自主的にゴミ箱に捨てること。
  4. スリッパは退室時に、元の場所に整理して戻し、脱ぎ捨てたりしないこと。



今までの日本語入力,エディタ,ブラウザの知識を使って,自分のホームページを作ってみよう. ここに 長井(克)研のページ簡略版があります.これのソースコードを表示・エディタにコピーして書き換え,ネットワークMドライブへ提出してみてください.

Week 7: Chapter 6. Computer Engineering



CHALLENGE 6 (translation drills)


Week 8: To be an engineer

Sequential voicing in Japanese



  1. 漢語・外来語は濁りにくく,馴染みのある語(結合語)・和語は 濁り易い.

  2. 「通す」:「言い通す・押し通す・刺し通す」は,「言う」と「通す」が結合して別の意味になっているわけではないので,濁らない.「開け放つ・言い放つ・解き放つ」も同様.

  3. 「~する人」は濁らない.そのものを指す結合語になると 濁ることがある.

  4. 「~する道具」を表す「水差し・ズボン吊り・本立て・爪切り・ねずみ取り・針刺し」は濁らない.

  5. 「人相描き・効能書き・ガラス張り・塩引き・梅干し」は前後部分が結合して「その結合体そのもの・結果として出来たもの」を指しているので後半が濁るが,「原稿書き・草取り・麦踏み・カルタ取り・落穂広い・旗取り」は「~する人・~すること」を指すので濁らない.

  6. 「砂糖」「会社」「菓子」「稽古」等が漢語の例外.

  7. 擬声・擬態語は濁りにくい.

  8. 畳語は濁る.

  9. 連続した濁音は避けられる.

  10. 「ん」の後は濁り易い.

  11. 「子」が「子供・赤ん坊」の意味の時は濁る.

  12. 「日」が「太陽」の意味の時は濁らない.

  13. 「刺し」が「刺身」の意味の時は濁らない.

Week 9: working for a company connected with the electoric engineering


Challenge 7

知らない国から来た人と話をしたいと思ったが,分かったのは以下の 表現だけだった.この人のことばで
I eat so he works.
  1. ak'usum (You eat.)
  2. rik'ulik (He arrives.)
  3. hat aloq' (You buy.)
  4. ihin nik'amam (I work.)
  5. ak'amam ciak'usum (You work to eat.)
  6. re?riloq' cirik'usum (He buys to eat.)
  7. riloq' cihat aloq' (He buys so you buy.)
  8. ak'ulik ciihin nik'amam (You arrive so I work.)


MS-DOSコマンドプロンプトを開き,作業用ディレクトリを作成する. そこに共用ドライブにあるファイルを全てコピーする.
jgawk 'コマンド' [データファイル名]
の形で試してみよう.(jgawkとだけ打ち込むと,オプションのヘルプ が現れる.)
jgawk -f random.awk kusa2.txt > kusa2.out
のように書くとファイルにリダイレクトされる.ただしこれは OSの仕事.
# 工業英検問題自動作成プログラム (jgawk版)
# (c) Katsumi NAGAI 2000 (

# BEGIN はawkが入力行を読み込む前にアクションを起こす.
# 変数 FS (field separator)に区切りをセットする.
# ここでは半角コロンを指定.
BEGIN { FS = ":" }

# NR (number of returns)は読み込んだ行数を格納している関数.
# $1 $2 はそれぞれ1つ目と2つ目のフィールド(列).
      { x[NR] = $1 ; y[NR] = $2 }

# END はBEGINと逆で,awkが全ての入力行を読み終えた後に実行される.
# C言語と同じ,ループとインクリメントで20回繰り返す.
# セミコロンでなく改行も,もちろん可(これはedlin時代の書き方か).
END   { for (i=1; i <= 20; i++)

# ここがばらばらの前後を並べるアクション部分.
              print x[randint(NR)], y[randint(NR)] }

# 以下で非負整数の乱数を得る.rand は0から1の間の乱数を作るので,
# 0からnまでにして(n*rand()),小数部分を切り落とし(int),1を加える.
              function randint(n) {return int(n*rand()) + 1}

Week 10: Awk programming

From Challenge 7

ドイツ語を学ぶと,英語だけしか勉強しない人には分からないいろいろな ことに気付きます. 文字・記号のルールを探るのを形態素分析,話し言葉のルールを探るのを 音素分析と呼び,どちらも言語の規則性を考える上で有意義なものです. なおこの問題は筑波大学の入試問題です.
  1. ak'usum (You eat.)
  2. rik'ulik (He arrives.)
  3. hat aloq' (You buy.)
  4. ihin nik'amam (I work.)
  5. ak'amam ciak'usum (You work to eat.)
  6. re?riloq' cirik'usum (He buys to eat.)
  7. riloq' cihat aloq' (He buys so you buy.)
  8. ak'ulik ciihin nik'amam (You arrive so I work.)

k'ulik (arrive), loq' (buy), k'amam (work), k'usum (eat)等が動作を 表しているようです.次に,ihin (I), hat (you), re? (he)が抽出できそうです が,日本語の主語と同様,その出現は随意的なものに見えます.

英語以外の言語を勉強したことのある人はここでピンときます.つまり, 上記の動詞が語頭で屈折変化をしています. I に続く場合は ni が, you に続く場合は a が, he に続く場合には ri が,それぞれ 接頭辞として動詞の語頭に付いています.目的を表すのも接頭辞で, ci がその役割をしているようです.

(ihin) nik'sum cire? rik'amam ということになります.



として集められています.暇なときに読むのも楽しいですが, ことばを機械処理する実験の格好の材料となります. 今日の材料は同文庫に掲載されている芥川龍之介の「鼻」 (hana.txt)です.なおダウンロードされるファイルは圧縮されているので 元に戻す(日本では「解凍」と呼ぶ事が多いようです)ツールが 必要です.適当なフリーソフトウェアを利用すればよいでしょう.

このファイルはテキストファイルなので,ワープロでもエディタでも, 殆どのソフトウェアで読むことができます.とりあえずWindowsの MS-DOSプロンプトを起動して,

type hana.txt

と打ち込み,中身を覗いてみよう.typeはファイルを表示する 命令です.

大きなファイルなので,画面が流れて読むことができません.type命令は 指定されたファイルの内容を画面という「標準の出力」に出すだけだからです. そこで,

type hana.txt | more

と打ってみます.タテ棒は「パイプ」と呼ばれ,左から出力された内容を 右のmore命令に渡す役割をします.moreはtypeからの内容を受け取り, 1画面ずつに区切って見せてくれます.但し後戻りはできません. lessと呼ばれるプログラムはそれができますが,使えるとは限りません.

このファイルは段落ごとに改行されていますが,1文ずつ改行されている と1行を1単位として処理できるので,マルのある位置で改行した ファイルを作ります。こういうときに awk が活躍します。 newlines.awkという名前で以下のようなファイルを作成し,

# newlines (
# gsubは組み込み関数で,/ /の中の文字を見つけると," "の中の
# 文字と置き換えます。\nは改行を表します。

{ gsub (/。/, "。\n")
  print $0

jgawk -f newlines.awk hana.txt > hana2.txt


ついでに各文に番号を付けてみよう.以下のようなファイルを作り linenum.awkという名前で保存して

# linenumber (kats)
# $0は文全体を表します.
{ print ++ln $0}

jgawk -f linenum.awk hana2.txt > hana3.txt


type hana3.txt | more


さて,この文章の中から単語「鼻」を抜き出してみよう.search.awk の名前で下のようなファイルを作り,

# search
{ if (match ($0, "鼻"))
  print $0
jgawk -f search.awk hana3.txt > hana4.txt

と実行して,ファイル hana4.txtを見てみよう.

Challenge 8

  1. この作品のマル「。」をテン「.」に換えたファイルを提出せよ.
  2. 「内供」という語が含まれている文をテキストファイルの形で作り提出せよ.

Week 11: Ancient Japanese Architecture

Challenge 8 (言語と自然言語・その3)

  1. 自分のPCのtmpフォルダを空にしなさい.
  2. ネットワークの読み込み専用ドライブの中身を全てそのtmpフォルダにコピーしなさい.
  3. 「吾輩は猫である」が neko.txt にある.先週のページを参考に,「吾輩」という単語が含まれる文はいくつあるかawkを使って調べ,その結果のファイルを長井(克)用ドライブに提出しなさい. (ファイル名は端末番号.txtとすること.)

Week 12: Chemical and Mechanical Engineering

Challenge 9

Put into English and hand in your file to my network drive.
  1. 「疲れたあ.」
  2. 「実験が成功したら,家へ帰るよ.」
  3. 「彼女は実験を成功させることができた.」

Week 13: Irrigation System

POP QUIZ NEXT WEEK! (from Handout 「適語補充」)

All students MUST sit for the First-term Exam on 19th September!

The term exam will cover:

  1. Use of PC [25%]: Typing test (10 minutes).
  2. Written exam:

From Challenge 9

  1. 「疲れたあ.」
    "tsukare-ta"と言うのは一般に"tsukare-te-iru" というstate(状態). 「昨日疲れた.」なら過去形で書くべきですが,「もう疲れた.」の意味なら現在形の方が良い.get tired of ... (...にうんざり)と混同しないように.
    1. I'm tired.
    2. I am too tired.
    3. I'm burned out.
    4. I feel tired.
    5. I *felt tired!
    6. I got tired.
    7. I got tired out.
    8. I *get tired.
    9. *I'll be tired.
    10. Was tired *with.

  2. 「実験が成功したら,家へ帰るよ.」
    "...ta" in "...tara" only indicates that ... precedes a tense of the main clause.「帰る」より時間的に先であるだけで,過去とは限らない.
    1. If I complete this experiment, I will go home.
    2. If I succeed in the experiment, I'll go home.
    3. Let's go home if we succeed in doing the experiment.
    4. If I succeed *the experiment, I'll go home. succeed ... は「...を継ぐ」 Smith succeeded Jones as governor.(BS2)など.
    5. If I succeed *experiment, I *go home.
    6. If I succeed *the experiment, I am *going to come back my home.
    7. If I succeed *experiment, I'm going to come back home. Handout の be going to... を熟読のこと.
    8. If I make a success of the experiment, I'm *going to come home.
    9. If I make a success of *experiment I will go home.
    10. If we ?achieve the experiment, I *come home.
    11. If experiment *successes, I will come home.
    12. If the experiment is ?success, I am going to my home.
    13. If *experiment is *success, I go back to home.
    14. If the experiment ?can be success, ?then I will go home. このプログラマ魂は立派!
    15. If the experiment *be successful, I will go home.
    16. If the experiment *succeeds, I am *going to come home.
    17. If the experiment *succeed, I will go home.
    18. If the experiment *have been *success, I will come home.
    19. If I ?achieve an experiment, I will come home.
    20. If I ?achieved a experiment, I'm ?going to return home.
    21. After the experiment *finished, I will go home. 勉強になる文です.finishするのはまだ先のことだから,過去形にしてはいけません.
    22. After *a experiment is *success, I'm ?going to come home.
    23. When ?expiarment *prove successful, I will go home.
    24. When the experiment is *succeeded, I'm going to go home.
    25. I ?go home if I *succeed my experiment.
    26. I'll go back *to home after the success of the expariment.
    27. I'll go home when *finish the experiment. I finish なら良いね.
    28. I will be back *to home, after experiment is sucseed.
    29. I'll *sccess the experiments, so I'm going to home.
    30. I *would *success the experiment so I will go to my house.

  3. 「彼女は実験を成功させることができた.」
    レポートが出来なくて,指導教官に来週でも良いか("Can I hand it in next week?")と尋ねると,"You could, but...." と言われる.この言い方をされたら相当の減点を覚悟すること.「どうしても来週に出そうとするなら,一応受け取りはするが...(でもそりゃトンデもないことだぜ,と言われたのです)」このような仮定法との混同が起きるので,科学英語ではcouldを避ける.
    1. She was able to succeed in her experiment.
    2. She was able to succeed in the experiment.
    3. She was able to finish the experiment.
    4. She made a success of the experiment.
    5. She was able to make a success of the experiment.
    6. She was able to have the experiment done well. 自分ではしなかったんだな.
    7. She was able to achieve an experiment.
    8. The girl was be able to make the experiment success.
    9. She was able to prove *successful for expiarment. her success in... ならOKだね.
    10. She was *got sucsess form experiment.
    11. She was able to *be *succeeded the experiment.
    12. She've finished the experiment.
    13. She succeeded *the expariment.
    14. She did *success her experiment.
    15. She ?could succeed in the experiment.
    16. She ?could *success the experiment.
    17. She ?could *success her experiment.
    18. She ?could *be success the experiment.(And she go home)
    19. She ?could be *succeed the experiment
    20. She ?could *do *success experiment.
    21. She ?could *succeed *expiment.
    22. She ?could *succeed *a experiment.
    23. She ?could *succeed the experiment.
    24. She ?could have *succeed the experiment.
    25. She ?could finish the experiment.
    26. She ?could make *sccess the experiments.
    27. She *formed to get success on experiment.

Challenge 10

Put into English and hand in your file to my network drive.
  1. 「隣で勉強していた友人が,突然泣き始めた.」
  2. 「8時に起きたのなら,間に合うはずだ.」
  3. 「彼が本気だったことが彼女にもそのうち分かるだろう.」

Week 14: Digital and Analog

From Challenge 10

  1. 「隣で勉強していた友人が,突然泣き始めた.」
    1時間前から勉強し続けていた友人が,5分前に泣き始めたと考えるのが普通かな.study と begin がこの順で出てくるなら,両方とも過去形で書きます.もちろん,「泣き始める」方は進行形にできないので注意.
    1. My friend studying next to me suddenly began to cry.
    2. My friend, who was studying next to me, started crying suddenly.
    3. My friend who was studying next to me suddenlly began to cry. (この場合は泣かなかった友達も側にいることになるね.)
    4. Suddunly, a friend studying next to me began to cry.
    5. A friend studying next to me suddenly began to cry.
    6. A friend studying by me began crying suddenly.
    7. My friend who ?studied next to me suddenly began to cry.
    8. A friend *studing next to me suddenly began to cry.
    9. All of a sudden my friend studying next to me *begins to cryi ng.
    10. A friend studying next to me, suddenly *begin to cry.
    11. A friend studying next to me suddenly ?cried.
    12. My friend was studying *with next to me, suddenly she began to cry.
    13. My friend studying next to me, began to cry *on a sudden.
    14. The friend who was *study in the next door is suddenly begin to cry.
    15. Suddenly my friend *studing next to me began crying.
    16. Suddenly, my friend *studing next to me began to cry.
    17. Suddenly my friend *start to cry, *who was studing at next to me.
    18. (my friend, who was studying next to me, started to cry は可)
    19. Suddely, my friend that *studing the next is began to cry.
    20. Suddenly my friend studying next to me started crying. (start crying / start to cry のどちらも可能だが,開始したことに重点があるので start to cry の方が良い.)
    21. Suddenly a friend studying next to me *begin to cry.
    22. Suddenly the friend who *is studying next to me began to cry.
    23. Suddenly *he began to cry, who studying next to me. (he who... をこのように使うのは不可.It was he who answered the question.は可能.)
    24. *Friend studying next to me suddenly began to cry.
    25. Suddenly a friend began to cry when he *studying next to me. (ちょっと違うぞ.)
    26. My friend studying *neighboring, suddenly he began to cry. (nieghbouring は neighbouring countriesのような形で使おう.)
    27. *Next to my friend who is studing begin to cry suddenly. (主語なし)
    28. My friend *begin to cry suddenly *that is studying *of the next.
    29. The friend that studied at *neighbor began to cry suddnly.
    30. *Friend studying next to me suddnly began to cry.
    31. Suddenly a friend studying next to me *that started to cry .
    32. *Friend who is *studing next to me began to cry suddenly.
    33. Suddenly the friend next to me *to began to cry.
    34. Suddenlly a *friends studying next to me *begin to cry.
    35. A friend who *studying next to me suddenly began to cry.
    36. A friend studying next to me, suddenly *begin to cry.

  2. 「8時に起きたのなら,間に合うはずだ.」
    現在9時で,これから先の10時の列車に間に合う,と考えるケース.実際に8時に起きたかどうかは分からないので,仮定法の過去完了形を使う必要はない.ただし,間に合わなかった相手を非難しているとも考えることもできて,その場合は If you had waken... と言うことになります.
    1. You would be in time if you had got up at 8:00.
    2. You should be in time, If you got up in 8:00.l
    3. You got up at eight o'clock, then you have to be in time.
    4. If you got up at eight o'clock, you will be in time.
    5. If you got up at 8 o'clock, you will be in time.
    6. If you got up at 8 o'clock, you would be in time. (この場合は間に合わなかったことにもなりますね.)
    7. If you got up at eight, you must be in time.
    8. If you woke up at eight, you ought to be in time.
    9. If he got up 8 o'clock, he must be in time.
    10. If you got up at 8:00 you can be in time.
    11. If you got up at 8 o'clock, you should *have been in time.
    12. If you get up at 8 O'clock, you can be in time.
    13. If you got up at 8:00, you will be in time.
    14. If you got up at 8 o'clock, you could be in time.
    15. If he woke up at 8 o'clock , he will be in time.
    16. If you *get up at eight O'clock, you will be in time.
    17. If you *waked up at 8 o'clock that able to be in time.
    18. You should *been in time if you have been wake up on 8 o'clock.
    19. If I *get up 8 AM, I *am in time.
    20. You *get up at eight, so you are in time.
    21. You may not *miss, if you *have get up 8 o'clock
    22. If you got up *8, you should be in time.
    23. If you get up at 8, you'll be in time.
    24. If you *get up *8, you will be in time.
    25. We will be in time if we *get up at 8.
    26. If I *get up at 8:00, I must be in the time.
    27. If you get up at eight, you ought to *catch.
    28. You must be in time if you *get up at 8.
    29. If *get up at eight o'clok that you will be in time.
    30. If *waked up at 8:00, he must be in time.
    31. If *got up at eight, *it must be in time.
    32. You most be in time if you *get up at 8 o'clock.
    33. If you *get up 8 o'clock, you'll be in time.
    34. If you *get up at 8 , you must be in time.
    35. If you *get up 8 *at, you will be in time.

  3. 「彼が本気だったことが彼女にもそのうち分かるだろう.」
    1. She will understand that he was serious, ?sooner.
    2. She would notice soon that he was serious.
    3. Sooner or later, she will understand that he was serious.
    4. Sooner or later she will know that he was serious.
    5. Sooner or later she will find that he was serious.
    6. She is going to understand that he was serious before long.
    7. Some day she will understand that he was serious.
    8. She will understand later he was serious.
    9. She will know sooner or later that he was serious.
    10. She'll understand that he meant it. (含蓄ありすぎ...)
    11. She will also know soon that he was serious. (ここのalsoは必ずしも必要ではないような気がします.)
    12. She will understand by and by that he was serius.
    13. She will understand soon that he is serious.
    14. She will understand that he was serious *soon.
    15. She will understand *sooner that he was serious
    16. She will figure out that he was serious *sooner.
    17. She will find soon he was *earnestly.
    18. She will understand sooner or later he was *seriously.
    19. Sooner or later, she will understand that he *is serious.
    20. She will also understand that he *had serious *soon or later
    21. She will understand, he was serious *sooner.
    22. She will notice little by little *what he was serious.
    23. She would gradually notice that he *is serious.
    24. *If he have been serious, she will be understand in that, is it.
    25. He was serious *that she understand later.
    26. *Late she'll understand that he was serious.
    27. ?Almost she will get it sooner or later *that he was serious.
    28. I hope she *understands *what he was serious someday.
    29. She will understand he was serious.
    30. She'll understand that he was serious.
    31. She will understand *sooner that he *is serious
    32. He was serious *soon she will be understand, *too.
    33. She will figure out that he was serious *soon.
先週連絡したように,次週この教室で前期試験を行います.筆記試験に先立ち, コンピュータを使った実技小テストを行います.

Week 15: Term Exam

Week 16: Try Multimedia

Challenge 11

  1. Click Here and fill in the blanks below:
  2. Run "Sound" program and record the answer above.
  3. Hand in your file to our shared (M:) Drive.

Challenge 12

Read this newspaper and answer the questions below:

  1. オリンピックはいつ終わりましたか?
  2. 花火は何発上がったのですか?
  3. 女子が金メダルを一番たくさん取った国はどこですか?
Some dictionaries are available online here and here .

Hand in your file to our shared (M:) Drive.

Week 17: Factory Tour

Challenge 13

Listening practice
  1. Click Here and choose the correct answer of Day 3:
  2. Click Here and fill in the blanks in Day 4:

Challenge 14


Read this advice column and answer the questions below:

  1. 12歳の男の子の悩み(Dear Kirstyで始まる,1つ目の相談)は何ですか?
  2. 12歳の男の子はどうしたら良いと書いてありますか?
  3. 2つ目の相談では,16歳の女の子は何が不幸なのですか?
  4. 16歳の女の子はどうしたら良いと書いてありますか?

Challenge 15

Write in English and hand in the text file.
  1. 温度の影響はないようだった.
  2. どちらの理論も正しくないと思う.

Week 18: Jobs at an electrical appliance maker

Challenge 16

Listening practice
  1. Click Here and choose the correct answer of Day 5:
  2. Click Here and fill in the blanks in Day 6:

From Challenge 15

Challenge 17

Read another agony column and answer the questions below:
  1. 17歳のBuffの悩み(Dear Kirstyで始まる,1つ目の相談)は何ですか?
  2. Kirstyはどうしたら良いとアドバイスしていますか?
  3. C.P.R.とは何だと思いますか?
  4. GPとは何だと思いますか?
C.P.R./GPはアメリカかイギリスの検索エンジンを使って調べてみよう. cpr

Challenge 18

Write in English and hand in the text file.
  1. 観測値は計算した値と一致した.
  2. よって仮定は正しかったと考えられる.

Week 19: Being artistic

Challenge 17

Listening practice

From Challenge 18

Challenge 19

Read this page about unisex toilets and answer the questions below:
  1. unisex toiletがなぜアメリカの高校で導入されるのですか?
  2. あなたはunisex toilet に賛成ですか?反対ですか?理由とともに英語で書いてみてください.
Hand in your text file to our shared drive.

トイレの歴史について ブリタニカ百科事典やアメリカの ヤフーで調べてみよう.

Week 20: What is biochemics?

Challenge 20

Listening practice

From Challenge 19

Week 21: Translation of Technical English 1




Challenge 21


Challenge 22

Choose three sentences below and translate into English. Put your text file in our shared drive (M:). (日本工業英語協会「工業英検3級クリア」pp.115-121. より抜粋.)
  1. コンピュ-タは複雑な数学計算を高速で行います.
  2. 本装置の機械的構造の詳細は説明書にあります.
  3. 部品を所定の位置に組み立てるために,矢印を合わせなさい.
  4. 機械の運転中,1時間おきに下記の事項を検査すること.
  5. 金属や合金の電気抵抗は温度の関数である.

Week 22: Translation of Technical English 2

Challenge 21から

Week 23: What is TOEIC?

11月19日(日)本校において,文部省認定第46回工業英語検定が おこなわれました.

来年1月から津山 (津山商業高)でTOEICを受験することができるようになります.
Read the TOEIC official website and try sample questions .

受験申込書は長井(克)研究室前にも置いてあります.自習用参考書類は (工業英検とは比べものにならないほど)たくさん発行されており, 一般の書店で容易に手に入ります.

Week 24: Mechanical Engineering

恣意的な 1.based on personal whim: based solely on personal wishes, feelings, or perceptions, rather than on objective facts, reasons, or principles 2.randomly chosen: chosen or determined at random 3.LAW not according to rule: based on the decision of a particular judge or court rather than accordance with any rule or law 4.authoritarian: with unlimited power 5.MATHEMATICS assigned no specific value: used to describe a constant that is not assigned a specific value (Encartaョ World English Dictionary ゥ & (P) 1999,2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
with A B
AをBして 《付帯状況》…した状態で.通例 with + A + B (補語)の形で with tears in one's eyes  目に涙を浮かべて with one shoe off and with one shoe on  片方の靴は脱ぎ片方ははいたままで walk with a pipe in one's mouth  パイプをくわえて散歩する(withとaを省略したwalk pipe in mouthという言い方もある) With night coming on, we started home.  夜になってきたので家路についた. (Progressive English-Japanese Dictionary, Third edition ゥ Shogakukan 1980,1987,1998)

Week 25: Electric and Electronic Engineering

Click's e-card page and semd your greetings to me at


以下は皆さんの提出した作文です.おかしいところに*をつけ,(  )の中に書き直してみよう.

(訂正した英文を共有ファイルへ提出してください.) Happy Christmas and New Year to all!

Week 26:

All students MUST sit for the Second-term Exam on the 30th of January!

The term exam will cover:

Week 27: Describing shapes

exercise 1

  1. The block has a height of 9.35cm, a length of 11.52cm and a width of 2.01cm.
  2. The length of the block is 11.53cm, the width is 3.28cm, and the height is 0.05cm.
  3. The block is 23.01cm wide, 112.35cm long and 18.9cm high.
  4. How wide is the block?
    What's the length ot the block?
    How high is the block?
    What's the widith of the block?
    How long is the block?

exercise 2

  1. A is a solid cylindrical steel bar, of length 39.1cm and diameter 9.3cm.
  2. B is a hollow copper tube having an internal diameter of 21cm, an external diameter of 55cm and a length of 93.2cm.
  3. C is an alminum block (or beam/girder) which has a depth of 21.2cm, a thickness of 0.5cm, a width of 30cm and a length of 100cm.
  4. The cone D has a height of 88.5cm, and a base diameter of 23.0cm.

exercise 3

  1. AB is a vertical straight line of length 5cm. AB is at right angles to BC, a horizontal straight line of length 8cm.
  2. (Angle) DEF is an obtuse angle of 113.
  3. GHI is is right-angled triangle having a height of 31cm and a length of 54cm.
  4. (Angle) JKL is an acute angle of 32 degrees.
  5. MNO is an isosceles triangle, having an angle NMO of 40 degrees.
  6. The lines PQ and RS interesect at X. The value of the obtuse angle is 105 degrees.
  7. The vertical line TU is perpendicular to the ehorizontal line VW.
  8. The straight line y-ydash bisects the obtuse angle XYZ.

exercise 4

(Sorry, division lines are illegible)
  1. multiplication
  2. multiplication
  3. addition
  4. division
  5. subtraction
  6. multiply 34 by 7
  7. subtract x from x squared
  8. divide a squared b by c
  9. add 3b to 2c
  10. multiply a by b

Last Challenge


Week 28: Term Exam

fWeek 29: For further study


For further study

ここや ここに Web上で使える翻訳ソフトがあります.

いろいろ試してみて,なぜこうなってしまうのか,どうすれば使えるように なるかを考察しなさい.

Our basis of comparison, b.h.p. per litre, is, of course, purely arbitrary. One could easily choose to compare engines on a basis of horsepower per unit weight, or as is customary with piston-type engines, weight per housepower.


(c) Katsumi NAGAI 2000 : Jump to Top / Tsuyama C.T.